Our new documentary «Fine Line» has been released

fineline; film; sinegorye; kolyma; magadan; fareasternfederaldistrict; far_eastern_federal_district; russianfareast; russian_far_east; annabarsukova; anna_barsukova;
Anna Barsukova director, filmmaker; Fine Line

We are pleased to inform you that in 2023 we have completed our long work on the documentary «Fine Line» (ru: «Между отчаянием и надеждой»). This film tells about the complexities of people’s lives in the Far Eastern Federal District. We appreciate all the participants and creators of the film «Fine Line» and express our deep gratitude to them!


Twenty-two years after the collapse of the USSR the residents of the once thriving town of Sinegorye regain hope for better future and revival of the home town.


Arriving in the remote outback of the Far North, Oksana gets a job in a «Nursing home». Ruslan, a native resident, shows Oksana the destroyed buildings and tells about the events of 30 years ago that brought the village of Sinegorye in the Magadan region into complete decline. But soon the situation in the village is changing for the better…